Vincent Alaba Akinsete - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Vincent Akinsete
Nacido enNigeria
81 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Michael Orekyeh Engr October 19, 2023
Although we came much later (in the '90's) his name was legend in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Facultyof Engineering, University of of Lagos. Though it is now reading the tributes I understand much better, who he was and what he stood for. We were among the 3rd set of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers who passed through University of Lagos.... Graduation date was 1997.........and our mentors were the famous Prof Sambo A.Balogun and Prof O Ibidapo-Obe.

Losing great brains and talents in the science and engineering community is always a challenge.....because they are difficult to replace and they take so much with them. I am glad to see one of my mentors Engr Oduche Azih honed a lot from him and spoke such kind words. 

Sir, Prof V. Akinsete, May you Rest in Peace and I wish your family the strength and fortitude to bear this loss. God bless

Engr Michael Orekyeh MNSE

National Treasurer, Nigerian Institution of Metallurgical Mining and Materials Engineers (NIMMME)
C. Gimenez My deepest condolences September 29, 2018

My condolences, as feelings of pain and bitterness become unbearable. It is my desire to convey a comforting thought based on the Holy Scriptures
  John 5:28 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."
This passage speaks of the resurrection of our loved ones. It is not God's plan to see us suffer and die, so He extends the following invitation to us: "Come near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)
Please go to the following link to obtain more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage and again we are sorry for your loss.

Temitope Olowu Tribute to a Great Man September 26, 2018
Professor Akinsete did not just live a good life, he impacted other lives as well. He was present the night my mother passed and helped with the movement of the body . Though she was a much younger rotarian, he was like an elder brother (egbon) to her. Even after she passed he remained supportive, always checking on us. I remember a particular time, whilst I was running my pre-degree programme in OAU he found out I had toothache over the phone when he called to check on me. He offered to pick me up on his way back to Lagos from Ondo. He also gave me the money for the extraction and kept following up.
His sense of humour and that smile that made you feel like everything will be fine, combined with his jokes.
You were a blessing to my siblings and I, we have fond memories that will remain cherished. I pray God comforts your family. 
Rest on in the bossom of your Creator.
F. Perez My deepest condolences September 26, 2018

Can something good be said about death?
It Separates friends, families and sows pain, grief and sadness.
The Bible says that death is our great enemy.
However, the Bible also gives us hope!
John 5: 28, 29 as well as Acts 24:15; indicate that there will be a resurrection of the just and unjust.
Psalm 37:29 also promises that the righteous will possess the Earth.
Through the pages of the Bible we can acquire knowledge and guidance that help us face the loss of our loved ones…It gives us a sure hope.
Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage

Engr. Dr. Robinson I. Ejilah National Chairman, NIMechE September 21, 2018
6th September, 2018


The Council and entire members of the Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers have recieved with shock the news of the passing of a distinguished Engineer and member of our great Institution, Engr. Prof. (Chief) Vincent Alaba Akinsete, FNIMechE, FNSE, FAEng. on the 16th August 2018.

It is a well acknowlwedged fact that the MAYERO OF ONDO KINGDOM is an accomplished academic and Engineer in every right of the word, who lived his life for service and engineerig professionalism. He deserves our glowing tributes for the selfless and visionary leadership he provided during his active years of service to NSE as NSE Technical Secretary in the 1970s and National Chairman of the Nigerian Division in the 1980s. It is also worthy of note that, as a forerunner in engineering leadership, he laid the tracks for the eventual institutionalization of the mechanical division which today has transmuted into the Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NIMechE), and this till date, remains a landmark achievement for engineering professionalism in Nigeriia.

We are indeed heartbroken by his sudden demise which occurred at a time when his fatherly advice would be most needed.

At this hurting moment, our condolences, thoughts, and prayers for grace and fortitude go to his closely-knit family members and friends. We pray Almighty God to grant his soul eternal rest.

For: Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NIMechE)
Engr. Dr. Robinson I. Ejilah, MNSE, FNIMechE
National Chairman
Engr. Dr. Robinson I. Ejilah National Chairman, NIMechE September 21, 2018

The Council and entire members of the Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineer recieved  with shock the news of the passing of a distinguished Engineer and member of our great Institution. Engr. Prof. (Chief) Vincent  Alaba Akinsete, FNIMechE, FNSE, FAEng on the 16th August, 2018.

It is a well acknowledged fact that the MAYERO of ONDO KINGDOM is an accomplished academic and Engineer in every right of the word, who lived his life for service and engineering professionalism. He deserves our glowing tributes for the selfless and visionary leadership he provided during his active years of service to NSE as NSE Technical Secretary in the 1970s, and National Chairman of the Mechanical Division in the 1980s. It is also worthy of note that, as a forerunner in engineering leadership, he laid the tracks for the eventual institutionalization of the Mechanical Division which has today transmuted into the Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NIMechE)- and this, to all Nigerian Mechanical Engineers remains a landmark achievement in engineering professionalism today.

We are indeed heartbroken by his sudden demise, which occcurred at a time when his fatherly advice would be most needed.

At this hurting moment, our condolences, thoughts and prayers for grace and fortitude go to his closely-knit family members and friends. We pray Almighty God to grant his soul eternal rest, Amen.

For: Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (NIMechE)
Engr. Dr. Robinson I. Ejilah, MNSE, FNIMechE
National Chairman
Olu Ojedokun Dr September 18, 2018

'I remember the generosity of the Akinsetes who took us into their home for a week whilst there was mayhem caused by mourning at ours. It was here I was introduced to the delights of a cereal, Weetabix, it was always served with hot milk, sprinkled with sugar and I loved it.  Mrs. Akinsete was a doctor and lecturer at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital and Dr. Alaba Akinsete who later became a professor was a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Mrs. Akinsete also became a professor and for the short while we stayed with them, spoiled us and made sure we were distracted from our grief.  It also did me little harm because she had a beautiful daughter, Abiola whom I was fixated upon at the time.  The nanny reported my newly acquired interest but Prof and Prof. Akinsete simply asked her to leave me alone.  At home, we were used to cornflakes and I can vaguely remember the congealing of the hot milk when splashed all over it, as it was drenched in the bowl.'  Such was the love and comfort exuded in their family, from a distance I took inspiration from his life as an academic and Professor and it certainly inspired me to join academics late in life and become Acting Dean in the Faculty of Law Lead City University, Ibadan. Thank you so much Uncle for being there for us.  Olu Ojedokun

Dr.(Mrs) Olayinka Adeyinka Tribute to my Beloved Uncle September 15, 2018


Uncle Vincent Alaba Akinsete (VAA), was one of my best uncles. Interestingly, he was not only one of my best friends (Bosola)’s dad, he was also one of my dad’s (Prof A F Ogunye) best friends in Unilag and one of my father-in-law’s as well. I count it a joy and a privilege to have known him.

Uncle always had my back without being intrusive and had a special way of making you feel comfortable and at ease with him. Siji, my husband, recalls Uncle telling him he knew me from home when he found out we were dating and considering marriage.

One could spend hours without realising it, jisting with both himself and aunty Ronke. They gave advice without being judgmental.

I have such fond memories of uncle VAA. Him seated on the brown patterned sofa at 2 Jibowu Close, Bosola and I trying to sneak up or down the stairs, thinking he was fast asleep because he sounded like he was. Just for him to make us realise that he wasn’t. Uncle liked his snatched naps and he seemed to fall easily into them even in the midst of some interesting conversation then continuing with the conversation as if nothing had happened. He was also very inclusive, he didn’t like anyone being or feeling left out, I can remember him steering conversations to include everyone if he noticed that one or two persons seemed not to be part of it.

He was quite a generous uncle and as a young adult I was quite appreciative of his generosity especially at those times on holidays in the UK, when I was at times almost down to my last penny. At such times, I wondered if he was telepathic... he was always on point.

I remember also when our daughter Temilade was baptised , unbeknown to us, uncle had taken photographs of the reception at my parents-in-laws and later on sent them to us- such was his thoughtfulness.

What a joy and a blessing he was.

Sleep well my very special uncle VAA

Dr (Mrs) Olayinka Adeyinka.


Engr. Sunday B. Ajala Tribute to an Outstanding Gentleman September 15, 2018

Tribute to an Outstanding Gentleman and Professional Engineer
On behalf of the entire staff of Finco Engineers, it is with a heavy heart that I write this tribute. Prof. Vincent Alaba Akinsete was an outstanding gentleman and an erudite engineer. Though you are gone without notice and no one has the locus standi to challenge or even raise a preliminary objection against the action of He that called you home. He is supreme and sovereign and has the prerogative to decide when to terminate the case Prof. had come to argue in this planet.

You touched so many lives by your selfless and countless acts of kindness.  I confess without equivocation that I am a life beneficiary of your tutelage. May your great soul continue to rest in perfect peace and may the GRACE, MERCY, SOLACE AND UNCOMMON FAVOUR OF GOD rest upon your wife, children and grandchildren in the mighty and matchless name of JESUS AMEN.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? Prof. Vincent Alaba Akinsete departed this sinful world to take a deserved rest in the bosom of Abraham until we meet to part no more. Weep not his children. Cry not his immediate family, for according to Timothy, “he has fought the good fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith (II Timothy 4:7) and I believe that when Jesus Christ shall appear, Prof. Vincent Alaba Akinsete shall receive the crown of glory that fadeth not away (I Peter 5:4).

Sleep on our beloved Prof. till we meet to part no more. Adieu.

Engr. Sunday B. Ajala on behalf of the staff of Finco Engineers

Prof A.B.O. Soboyejo Message of Condolence September 15, 2018

Through Honorable Justice B. O. Ogunade Chancellor of Diocese of Lagos West

 My Dear Bishop Odedeji, the Bishop of Diocese of Lagos West

 I hereby send to your Lordship my message of condolence on the passing away of Professor Alaba Akinsete of the department of mechanical engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria. I got a message of his passing away from Lagos Nigeria, and I called his wife, Professor Mrs. Akinsete, to give her and her family my message of condolence and my prayers. I also prayed for her and her family, so that they can have the strength to bear the lost of Professor A. Akinsete.

 Professor A. Akinsete and I used to worship together at Arch Bishop Vining Memorial Church, before the Church became in a Cathedral. At that time, The Rev Canon Peter A. Adebiyi was the Vicar of Arch Bishop Vining Memorial Church at Ikeja Lagos State. Professor A. Akinsete and I were colleagues in the department of mechanical engineering at University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. Professor A. Akinsete in my memory was a great member of the Anglican Church of Nigeria. He was born in 1937, 82 years ago. He received his excellent early education at Ondo Boys High School, in Ondo, Western Nigeria, after which he went to St. Catharine's College, Cambridge University where he received the first degree in mechanical engineering, the mechanical tripos, in 1960. He later on received the PhD degree in mechanical engineering at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in 1968. It is important to note that he also gained excellent practical experience in mechanical and electrical engineering in England and ECN Nigeria. He has a good family in Lagos. He was a good family man and an eminent engineer with a high sense of integrity and honesty. Professor A. Akinsete loved his Church, he loved his wife and family. He loved his work and he had gained tremendous experience in teaching, research and professional practice in mechanical, electrical, and industrial engineering in Nigeria. The Anglican Church in Nigeria will miss him very much. May God grant to him forgiveness of his sins, and May God give him the Glory to serve Him in Heaven for all Eternity. 

 His wife, Professor Mrs. Akinsete Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, at University of Lagos, told me that funeral service of Professor A. Akinsete will take place in your Cathedral on Sep 27th. Once again I send my condolence to your Cathedral on this occasion. If possible I shall be grateful if my message of condolence can be read in your Cathedral during his funeral service. May God continue to bless the great work of your Cathedral in Nigeria and also in the World. 

 Professor A. B. O. Soboyejo

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;

Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering;
The John Glenn Institute for Public Policy and Public Service;
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OHIO, USA, 43210


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